How to manage the reference letters ?
Reference letters
Letters of recommendation are compulsory.
While filling the application form you will see the part "reference letters" in this form you are asked to propose 2 contacts among your professors. please indicate the mail of the reference professors. He/ she will receive a mail asking he / she to upload the recommendation letter to your file.
Before entering the email of the Reference professor, please make sure that he/ she will be able to send a letter for you. Also check that the email adress is still the correct one. If there is a mistake in the email adress the student enters, the professor will not receive the automatic email.
There will be no change done by Mamaself on the application, so be really carefull in the information you enter before submitting the application.
The recommendation letters can be written by a Professor or a non-academic relation (for example the intership responsible). We recommand that at least one reference letter will be written by a university professor.
If your professor did not receive the automatic email for sending the recommendation letter, maybe it is in the SPAM of your professors e-mail box. Please ask him/ her to check.
In a second time, student can resend the mail from his own account to send the automatic mail with link to the professor again.
In a third time, eventually, the Professor can send the letter directly to Mamaself administration. We do not advise this last solution, as it is possible that a reference letter in that context can get lost. The secured way is that your reference professor will upload the letter directly to your application file.
Please refer to the information given on the Mamaself website